With spring already here and summer soon to follow, thoughts turn to getting back to that swim suit body which means flat toned abs. The idea of abdominal workouts often involves lots and lots of crunches and sit ups, yet that is only working one set of abdominal muscles, the rectus abdominis, which run down the middle of the torso. There are other groups to work, including the transverse abdominis that run across the torso beneath the rest of the muscles, and the external and internal obliques that wrap around the sides of the torso to create a defined waist line. The combination of working all the muscles will achieve a strong abdominal core.
Intermediate: Ballerina Leg Lift
Targets: Obliques, abs, legs- Sit on mat with legs extended, thighs together, toes pointed, and abs engaged, which is contracting the muscles and focusing on pulling the belly button to the spine.
- Lean back, placing forearms on mat, palms flat, fingers facing forward. Leaving left forearm on mat, raise right arm overhead.
- Twist torso to left while lifting upper body and left leg 45 degrees.
- Return to center and switch sides. Do 3 sets of 20 alternating repetitions.
Beginner: Wipe-Away
Targets: Abs, obliques, and hips- Lie face-up with arms out to sides at shoulder level, legs together, abs engaged.
- Lift legs straight over hips.
- Keeping upper body on mat, slowly lower legs 45 degrees to right.
- Lift legs back over hips.
- Repeat to left. Do 10 reps total, alternating sides.
Intermediate: Plank Swipe
Targets: Abs, obliques, back, hips, and glutes- Get into plank position and stack left foot on top of right heel.
- Keeping back and legs straight and abs engaged, lift left foot slightly, then kick left leg out to side.
- Return to stacked position. Do 6 reps.
- Switch legs; repeat.
Post Workout MealHaving something to eat after an intense workout is essential to replenishing glycogen stores; glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrate found in the liver and muscles. Participating in physical activity depletes the glycogen stores in your muscles. Drinking water is also essential to replace lost fluids. You should also have something that includes both protein and carbohydrates. Stay away from fatty foods right after a workout since they take longer for your body to breakdown and use. Whey protein is the most easily absorbed form of protein along with simple sugars. Chocolate milk provides both protein and carbohydrate, which can provide a filling of fullness.
Your post workout meal should also take in to consideration the length and intensity of your workout. If you are burning a few hundred calories, a large sports drink that is high in calories is not recommended since it will result in excess calories for the day. If you are participating in longer, more intense workouts, such as high intensity weight lifting and longer periods of cardio, a protein shake with carbohydrates may be recommended. Eating or drinking within two hours of working out is essential to replenish glycogen muscle stores. The combination of carbohydrate and protein is most effective when kept at a 4:1 ratio of 4 grams carbohydrates and 1 gram of protein.
You may opt to make a smoothie or shake with peanut butter, yogurt or milk, a banana or other fruit. The peanut butter, yogurt, and milk provide protein while carbohydrates are found in the banana, other fruit, and milk or yogurt. Although drinks are often easier to consume immediately after working out since they are easily portable, solid foods work just as well. Other foods that can work are cottage cheese with fruit and toast, yogurt with a whole grain cereal, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, turkey or ham sandwich, or eggs and toast. It is important to choose a protein that is lean and include a starch. The bottom line is to remember recovery of the muscles so the next workout can be productive.
Summer here I come!