By now, there's no real secret that I like making fries from almost anything except regular potatoes. You'd think that growing up in the midwest where potatoes are almost their own food group, that I would have potato recipes coming out of my ears! Here's the secret - I'm not a potato person (wait, what!). Shouldn't every good Norwegian blooded American thrive on potatoes? The truth is, I became bored with potatoes and am lucky if I eat potato something 1-2 times per month and actually haven't bought potatoes in over a year. Maybe this winter I'll have to break out some potato recipe creativity?
Luckily, potatoes are not the only vegetable that makes a good fry. How about Parsnips (serious life changing), sweet potatoes, or zucchini! My mom sent me this recipe from a local health food store and after finding a golden zucchini over a foot long (no kidding), decided to try these fries for my last grill out at the CU house (or Food Science House - famously given for the excellent people who live there).
These were all gone by about half way through the party... I'd call that a success.
1 1/2 lb zucchini, cut into strips (I used golden, but green would also be great)
1/2 c whole wheat flour
1/2 c all purpose flour (or sub rice or oat)
3/4 c panko bread crumbs
1/4 c parmesan cheese
1/2 T garlic powder
1/2 T Italian blend spices (basil, oregano, etc)
2 egg whites, whisked
Preheat oven to 400-425F. Mix the flours and garlic powder in a ziploc bag, add zucchini strips and shake to coat.
On a separate bowl or plate, mix bread crumbs, parmesan, and seasonings together. Remove zucchini from bag and dunk each strip individually into the whisked egg, then roll them in the bread crumb mixture.
Place on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven to bake for 10 minutes. Flip over and return to oven for another 10 minute bake.
Enjoy with dipping sauce or on their own.
(As a side note, I accidentally didn't follow directions well and ended up dipping in egg first and then coating with flour/breadcrumb mixture... probably a little better if the directions were followed...)