The Nation's Health [Heart disease]
- Heart disease is everywhere
- Heart disease: Light the fuse of heart disease
- Heart disease: More catheterizations would make me happy!
- Heart disease: I need to do more procedures!
- Heart disease: Excessive Heart Procedures Makes New York Times Headline
- Heart disease: Digging for the truth
- Heart disease: "Heart disease a growth business"
- Heart disease: The wisdom of the masses
- Heart disease: A dirty little secret
- Heart disease: EKG's and heart disease
- Heart disease: Watch your groin
- What your doctor doesn't know about heart disease
- Divorce court for the doctor-patient relationship?
- Who is your doctor?
- The “Heart Healthy” scam
- Exploitation of trust
- Bait and switch
- Privileged information
- Dr. Jeffrey Dach on the Track Your Plaque program
- "Average amount of heart disease for age"