The Nation's Health [great ads]
- The Decision - A Cliffhanger
- Ontario Kids Stick It To Fast Food Urge Us All To Join In Boycott
- Becel’s “Love Letter” Reminds Moms To Take Care Of Themselves Too
- Doctor's Launch A Graphic Junk Food Warning Labels Effort
- Farting Is To Social What Social Is To Smoking - Fun New Anti Smoking PSA
- Give Yourself A Chance - INPES Chance For Smokers Epic Ad
- Toronto SickKids Sing "You Got It" in New "Together We Will" Ad
- Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - Run For The Future
- Megaman No Nasty Emissions The Fart Bulb Advert
- If Only Nurses Were Valued The Way Pro Athletes Are...
- Evian Live Young Dancing Babies Commercial
- Kiss All Natural Tobacco - Controversial Print Ads