The Nation's Health [10/02/09]
- Means Against Quinsy
- Eat only the unpolished whole grain rice that takes 40-45 min to cook
- Use coconut oil in your food to lose weight faster
- Soak dried beans over the night instead of cooking canned beans
- Buy frozen vegetables instead of fresh vegetables for more nutrition
- Boil your food instead of fry it to be healthier
- Buy organic salmon because...
- Enjoy your workout fully by moving your body to the pace of your music
- Easier to lose weight if you take a walk right after waking up in the morning
- The easiest way to lose weight is by walking
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator
- Cook less and you will eat less
- Clear your kitchen cabinets of outdated food to prevent accidental sickness
- Eat oranges as fast as you can to get rid of your cold
- Never rinse your contact lens case with tap water
- Open your windows for a couple of minutes before going to bed for better sleep
- Place your apples and tomatoes far from each other in the fridge for freshness
- Hard to breathe through your nose at night is a sign of unhealthy eating
- Buy a plant to prevent illness
- Cracked lips tells you if you're being unhealthy
- Mashed potatoes with coconut oil
- Drinking water
- Add some apple flavor to your boring water
- Don't eat after 7 pm if you want to lose weight