The Nation's Health [Niacin]
- HDL and vitamin D
- Heart disease prevention: Dr. Agatston to the rescue
- Niacin: Niacin makes NY Times
- How good is the South Beach Diet?
- AHA: Doctors don't have time for prevention
- Lipoprotein(a): Take a niacin "vacation"
- Heart disease "reversal" by stress test
- Heart attack guaranteed
- Niacin: Be patient with niacin
- Reversal: A Track Your Plaque failure
- Heart disease reversal: A curious case of regression
- LDL cholesterol: When LDL is more than meets the eye
- Niacin: No flush = No effect
- Lipoproteins: Small LDL--a persistent bugger
- Lipoprotein(a): Lipoprotein(a) treatment alternatives
- Niacin: Blame the niacin
- LDL cholesterol: When is LDL cholesterol NOT LDL cholesterol?
- Reversal: Success--Slow but sure
- Statins: Wacky statin effects
- Niacin: When niacin doesn't work