The Nation's Health [Search results for HDL]
- Vitamin D and HDL
- Niacin: Be patient with niacin
- HDL for Dummies
- Are CETP inhibitors kaput?
- HDL: “H” is for “happy”
- vitamin D: More Vitamin D and HDL
- Weight loss: Lose weight and HDL goes . . . down
- "I lost 30 lbs and my triglycerides went . . . up?"
- Track Your Plaque: Can you break the “Rule of 60”
- HDL and vitamin D
- LDL cholesterol: Let Dr. Friedewald rest in peace
- Triglycerides divided by five
- No more cookies
- Vitamin D increased my cholesterol
- Track Your Plaque: The Track Your Plaque “Rule of 60”
- Track Your Plaque: Further validation of the Track Your Plaque 60:60:60 targets
- Lab testing: What is "normal"?
- CIS: Carbohydrate intolerance syndrome
- LDL cholesterol: Low HDL makes Dr. Friedewald a liar
- Making sense out of lipid changes