The Nation's Health [Search results for medical clinic]
- Vegas Clinic
- Health Tips: Top 10 Health Problems in America
- Do heart scans cause cancer?
- Scare tactics
- Health Tips: Top Ten Health Topics
- Health Tips: Important Information about SWINE FLU
- Dr. John Rumberger: Interview with world heart scan authority, Dr. John Rumberger
- You cannot be serious!
- "Yes, Johnnie, there really is an Easter bunny"
- Health Tips: Early Warning Signs of Cancer: Are You at Risk?
- Health Tips: Alternative medicine: americans use alternative medicine
- Roger's near-miss CT angiogram experience
- Health Tips: 6 Things You Didn't Know About Gray Hair
- Heart scans: CT scans and radiation exposure
- Don't lament no OTC mevacor
- US Nationwide Addiction Treatments
- F**k This I’m Off To Greece | Hurry Help Save The Birthplace of the Olympics
- A Bad Habit
- Baby Blues?
- Dr. Cannell on "How much vitamin D?"